Heat pump, aerothermal, geothermal installation projects with heat pump | Energanova

Which is our working method?

In each project, we support our clients throughout the process, from the initial design to the execution and follow-up of the installation.

This is how we work in Energanova

In each project, we support our clients throughout the process, from the initial design in collaboration with your architect to the execution, maintenance, and follow-up of the installation. Also, we provide financing solutions and grant processing for each of our installations.
We trust the systems we install. This confidence allows us to offer a full 5-year warranty on any component, including labour, travel, and spare parts. After more than 15 years of experience in photovoltaic systems with heat pump integration, our greatest success is to have a large number of satisfied customers.

  • All
  • Aerothermal
  • Geothermal
  • Photovoltaic
  • Emission systems